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Bridal Beauty Countdown


 Time is ticking on the beauty stopwatch for you to get perfectly primped and prepped for your celebration. Here’s a hit list of what you need to do, when.

Think of your wedding day as a beauty marathon. Training starts on engagement day. After you’ve phoned your parents and best friends and emailed the world your good news, the next things on the list are picking the date and putting a serious beauty schedule together. Work with your esthetician to organize a schedule of treatments (and a host of between-service home-care products) tailored to your specific wants and needs. Remember to book all your appointments in advance so you can get what you want, when you want it. Not sure when to start your beauty blitz? We’ve created a bridal beauty countdown to help you on the way to your big day. 
Nine Months Before
• Get into facials. Treatments can help remove toxins as well as purify, moisturize and cleanse the skin.
• If you have a serious skin concern like broken capillaries, uneven skin tone, adult acne or rosacea, consult a dermatologist. They’ll be able to create a skin-care strategy to treat your issues.
• If you have unwanted body hair, consider permanent hair removal with electrolysis or laser.
• If you have spider or varicose veins, investigate vascular surgery, as veins can be easily zapped away. Book a consultation to go over procedure options.
• Look after your nails. To keep nails naturally healthy, start getting regular manicures ASAP!
• Tend to your tootsies. Start a proper foot-care regime. Moisturize, elevate your feet when resting, dip into hot-water footbaths and make sure your shoes fit properly.
Six Months Before
• Stay with your regime! Keep up with facials—book one every six weeks to get glowing skin.
• Decide on your makeup. Will you do your own wedding makeup, make an appointment at a local salon or hire a makeup artist? Research the best salons and get recommendations from friends.
• De-stress! Set aside one night a week to fill the tub with a relaxing scent like lavender, light some aromatherapy candles, then just lie back and relax.
• Book a massage—it’s a great way to release stress, pent-up energy and bring life back to your body.
Three Months Before
• Assess any breakouts. Is your wedding stress causing facial flare-ups? Look for blemish creams that contain retinol, salicylic acid or antibacterial benzoyl peroxide to combat clogged pores more efficiently.
• Start collecting inspirational photos. These should reflect what you want for your wedding-day makeup. Schedule a trial to discuss what is best for you.
• Book your makeup artist for your wedding day, too.
• Don’t forget your brows! Make an appointment with a pro to create the perfect set for you. Book follow-up sessions every four weeks to keep your arches clean.
• Try reflexology. It’s a great way to unwind and stay healthy. It helps to stabilize the body, improve circulation, release blocked energy and eliminate toxins.
• Get bikini-ready and book your waxing. See an esthetician for a trial run weeks before the big day—you don’t want an adverse reaction!
• Book your manicure and pedicure. Book ahead to get an optimum time slot for either the day before or day of your wedding.
One Month Before
• Stop cheating! If you have been cheating on your beauty schedule, get religious about it now. Cleanse, tone and moisturize your face twice a day and never sleep with your makeup on!
• Have your trial makeup done. Discuss what you love and what you don’t and get your look down for the day.
• Indulge in a special wedding-day fragrance. Be sure to try it out for a day to make certain you love it.
• Try a back facial. If you’re wearing a strapless gown, get prepped! Treatments often include cleansing, exfoliation, toning and massage.
One Week Before
• Have your final facial. This is the absolute latest you should have your final facial. When booking your service, ask for an eye treatment as well.
• Treat yourself to a rub-down. Make one last appointment for a relaxing massage.
• Need some colour? Try a spray-on tan two days before your wedding day, as you want to ensure the product has settled, and leaves you with a natural-looking tan.
• Get some zzzs. Hit the sack early every night. Your body will thank you for it.

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