When I was about 5 years old I was living in a house that use to be an old funeral home and they also cremated bodies there as well. The cemetery was our back yard. We use to have huge parties for Halloween because people thought it was creepy. At these parties people would play with the Ouija board and try to contact spirits.
I had always been afraid of the basement because whenever I went down there I would get a really bad sickening feeling in the pit of my stomach. But I don’t know if that was just because they still had the walk in body coolers that they stored the bodies and the crematoriums where they cremated dead people down there. But one night some neighbor children and I decided it would be fun to see who could spend the longest time in the cemetery and I had fallen asleep behind mausoleum and my mother had came out and brought me inside to go to bed.
Later that night around 4 in the morning I woke up for no reason in particular. When I looked down at the end of my bed I realized there was someone standing there. My eyes adjusted and I was now staring at a man who was staring at me! My eyes grew wide as I noticed that there was something very wrong with this man. He was grey and transparent. He was very tall and had dark black eyes. He had a straight face and he wore an old type of suit with a tie like the one you see on the KFC guy. He had thin straggly hair and a mustache which were both white. He just stood there with his fists clenched and staring. I was sitting up but I was to afraid to move, too scared to look away, and so frightened that I was choked up and couldn’t scream. But it seemed that he took a slight step forward without moving and that is when I let out a scream and wet my bed.
I was only 5! My mom came down the hall and as soon as she grabbed the door knob he disappeared. My mom dismissed it as a nightmare, but for 2 years every night at the same exact time every night he would be there. After a few weeks I stopped screaming for my mom and just started hiding under my blanket. But he stayed until dawn then. So I wasn’t able to sleep.
At the age of 7 we had moved out and that was the last of him but just the beginning of my journey through the realm of paranormal. I believe the only reason that I remember this story so vividly is because it was so traumatizing and it was a major turning point in my life. – learned so much since then but I stilled get creeped out when I think about it.
Sent in by Raven Rayne,