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The Night Visitor

When I was about 5 years old I was living in a house that use to be an old funeral home and they also cremated bodies there as well. The cemetery was our back yard. We use to have huge parties for Halloween because people thought it was creepy. At these parties people would play with the Ouija board and try to contact spirits.

I had always been afraid of the basement because whenever I went down there I would get a really bad sickening feeling in the pit of my stomach. But I don’t know if that was just because they still had the walk in body coolers that they stored the bodies and the crematoriums where they cremated dead people down there. But one night some neighbor children and I decided it would be fun to see who could spend the longest time in the cemetery and I had fallen asleep behind mausoleum and my mother had came out and brought me inside to go to bed.

Later that night around 4 in the morning I woke up for no reason in particular. When I looked down at the end of my bed I realized there was someone standing there. My eyes adjusted and I was now staring at a man who was staring at me! My eyes grew wide as I noticed that there was something very wrong with this man. He was grey and transparent. He was very tall and had dark black eyes. He had a straight face and he wore an old type of suit with a tie like the one you see on the KFC guy. He had thin straggly hair and a mustache which were both white. He just stood there with his fists clenched and staring. I was sitting up but I was to afraid to move, too scared to look away, and so frightened that I was choked up and couldn’t scream. But it seemed that he took a slight step forward without moving and that is when I let out a scream and wet my bed.

I was only 5! My mom came down the hall and as soon as she grabbed the door knob he disappeared. My mom dismissed it as a nightmare, but for 2 years every night at the same exact time every night he would be there. After a few weeks I stopped screaming for my mom and just started hiding under my blanket. But he stayed until dawn then. So I wasn’t able to sleep.

At the age of 7 we had moved out and that was the last of him but just the beginning of my journey through the realm of paranormal. I believe the only reason that I remember this story so vividly is because it was so traumatizing and it was a major turning point in my life. – learned so much since then but I stilled get creeped out when I think about it.

Sent in by Raven Rayne,

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The Devil's Own

This true story took place in Bakersfield, California, in March, 2009. I met this guy (I don't remember his name so I will call him Steve). I would see Steve on a regular basis every day at the park. We all liked to play cards or board games.
When I started to talk to him more every day and get to know him better, everything seemed normal with him then the subject changed I told him I used to read all kinds of books about the occult and different religions.
He gave out a big sigh and looked at me and and shared his stories with me and I just listened. Things like: his sister, his girlfriend, and he would talk to everyone from the Virgin Mary to Jesus Christ, to the Queen of the Ocean. They would bring different people or gods different items they wanted, like water from the ocean or river. Another wanted whiskey. Another wanted a doll.
Now, everything still seemed fine until one night it was dark and he was taking a nap. I remember showing him the Holy Bible and that I found the Ten Commandments he noted it in his diary. We used to study the Bible, too.

I did not, however, still read those books about the occult. I was done with that stuff. Here is where it gets freaky. When he was asleep, I was reading the Bible and he started to moan in his sleep.
Another friend of my said she thought his chest hurts him. I went over to see if I should call 911. When I got over to him, I heard him talking in another language. Also, his right hand was moving a little over his chest back and forth and he had a strange smile on his face.
I knew within five seconds that there was some one else here. I almost knew who it was. It was like I knew this person before. Steve was young, 25 years old. This person was like a sweet old man. I kept thinking, "What's his name...?"
I wanted to almost hug him. I walked away another one of my friends walked over to me and asked what was going on. I did not say anything, I just looked back over my left shoulder and kept walking away then another person asked the same thing.
I did not say anything to him either. Now, Steve woke and stood up. I watched him from a short distance; he asked if someone would pray with him. I felt I should talk to him. I knew people would just say stupid things to him like, "You're crazy," so at 10 a.m. the next day, we talked about what happened.
He said it was a dream he was having. He drew me a picture of it (he could draw very well). I use to buy his drawings. He said he and his family were at a table and his sister was arguing. She said everything was his fault and he was just agreeing.
Then they were at church. His pastor was there with them and they heard a laugh. His pastor went looking to see were it was coming from. He did this twice, then the devil laughed. The church had two stories; he was on the second. He jumped down then crawled up to Steve and touched his hand and said, "You're mine."
A strange bit: my friends told me they heard a women screaming the night before, opposed to Steve moaning, like I had. I have not heard or seen Steve since then.
Closing thoughts: demons are not like the movies. In a way it's more personal -- like a whole different person has joined the party and knows everyone there and you almost know them, too.

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How To Make Your Own EVP Recordings

In the field of paranormal investigation, one of the easiest and most effective methods of research involves the making of Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP) recordings. The basic concept behind EVP is that the spirits of those who have passed on through the process of death can utilize the electrical energy in a recording device to implant a message on the media that can be heard when it is played back.

The equipment used to attempt to capture these messages and comments is very simple. Most research is done with micro-recorders, hand-held audiocassette recorders, compact disc or digital recording machines. While preference is currently being given to digital recorders, the older analogue cassette recorders will also function quite well for the work at hand.

A good way to test your equipment to see if it can give the best results is to turn the volume control up as high as it will go or until you can hear the hiss of white noise. Then you will turn the volume back a notch or so and record for a couple of minutes. You will then play the recording back and listen to what background noise can be detected. If all you hear is the normal sounds of your present environment then the recorder will be useful in your pursuit of EVP's. If you instead hear squeals of feedback or other electronic interference then the machine will not serve your purpose.

Once the equipment is tested for effective recording you will want to go to the location you are attempting to contact any spirit entities. Graveyards are very popular for the obvious reasons. There is also some indication that spirits can become "trapped" in the area of a violent or unnatural death, or sometimes even just where they were at the moment of their physical death. These places can also serve as effective locations for EVP recording.

You will want to sit still while recording. Walking around either by yourself or with a group can inadvertently cause you to pick up the noise of footsteps or your companions' conversations and drown out the elusive messages that may be left by the spirits you are seeking. Do not nervously rub the machine as this can cause vibrations that will overshadow the possible EVP. Avoid areas that have strong powerlines around as the electromagnetic field of these power transfer systems often produce an overwhelming electrical hum.

Talk to any possible spirits in the area. Ask questions. Remember to always leave a space of time between questions to allow your target to interject their responses to you. If you have the time, stop every half-hour or so and play back your recording. It is possible that if your questions have been answered, you will be able to reply with more focused questions in the next session for an even better EVP experience.

While some of the more popular and well known paranormal investigators sometimes feel the need to be aggressive or forceful to get an EVP, this is not a recommended tactic. The spirits you are seeking are not playthings for your amusement but the spirit energy of formerly living humans and such rudeness may either offend them into saying nothing or anger them into taking whatever physical effects they can muster to either attack or confound you. Courtesy to those who have passed over is as respectful to the dead as it is to the still corporeal.

After your session, it is important to play back your recordings several times to make sure you have identified all the sounds that are present and make sure you can catch and understand what inexplicable voices as may be on your recording. The voices of EVP's can be sometimes very faint. You may get only a word or two at times and sometimes you may be rewarded with entire sentences. Make sure that you have not recorded some talking by those in your group. This will make the unexplained voices stand out and help prove that you have made contact with some other person who has passed from the mortal realm of existence and into the realm of those who are currently existing solely in an energy form.

Make logs of the times and places you made the recordings. Research the area you are going to and follow up with more if you have caught some conversation on your tape. The entity may help you identify itself beyond a reasonable doubt by letting you know where to find information on its past life.

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Sri Aman Damansara’s Haunted Toilet

I’m not really the kind of person that always experience any ghost or haunting. Not especially when this incident happened still left me feeling doubtful about it. Til this day, the sounds I heard is still clear in my mind although it was already past 2 years. It happened in a very early morning. Me and my sister have decided to go for some international marathon run that was organized every year. Without fail we would join the run just for the fun of it. Since I was staying in OUG, I would drive to my sister’s place at Sri Aman, Damansara where the location of the run held was nearer to her place. This year, however, was slightly different. Her friend decided to join us and since she could not drive, the plan was me driving to my sister’s place then we would car pool to her friend’s house in Kepong.

The plan was going accordingly when upon reaching my sister’s friend’s house my dear sister realized that she forgot to bring her running shoes. Thinking that we still had the time, my sister decided to head back to her house to get her stuff. When we reached Sri Aman’s condominium, me and her friend waited at the car while she took the lift and came back with her shoes. As we were driving out to the guard house, I had a sudden urge to go to the toilet. My sister suggested that I could take a lift up to her house since it was nearby but I thought that it was pretty troublesome since I had to wait for the lift and such. Then my sister suggested to use the toilet located near the swimming pool. I agreed and she stopped nearby.

The toilet had only 2 cubicles, one for the guys and one for the ladies. The toilet for the guys was on the right whereas the toilet on the left are for the ladies. Behind the toilet was some sort of storage area and since it was still early, the place was quite dark. I turned on the lights and headed for the ladies. To tell you the truth, I’m the kind that’s pretty particular about the cleanliness of a toilet and since the toilet was the sitting kind, I thought the better of it and decided to step on the toilet bowl instead.

As soon I as put my right leg on the toilet bowl, I heard someone to my right shouting “Ooi!”. The voice was deep and sounded much like a man’s voice. I was quickly stunned and stopped short putting my left right back on the ground. But since I was already on a super urge to go toilet I didn’t care. This time, I climbed onto the toilet bowl and release myself. In the middle of business, again I heard someone to my right shouting “Ooi!” only this time it was louder and clearer. Goosebumps on the back of my hair raised and I quickly finished my business. At that point of time, I thought that it could be someone at the guys toilet but common sense told me that was impossible since it was still very early in the morning (approximately 4am).

As I ran towards my sister’s car, I glanced behind to take a peek hoping that it was really someone but there was no one at the guys toilet and it toilet was still vacant. In the car, I asked my sister if anyone went to toilet besides me but both she and her friend confirmed that there wasn’t a soul to be seen. Only me. Now, I can only wonder if my action of stepping on the toilet bowl offended them.

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Ghost Story of UUM (University Utara Malaysia), Kedah

University Utara Malaysia was a place that every student knows some form of ghost story. In fact, it was circulated as a true ghost story that before the whole university was built in the middle of no where, the government sent busses empty with passangers in the middle of the site and strictly instructed the bus drivers not to turn around or look back at the rearview mirror. After a while, the bus drivers would drive into another faraway area in the middle of no where. It was said that this action is to “ferry” all the ghosts away from the woods and carry them to their “new home”.

I experienced one myself not long after studying in University Utara Malaysia. You see, I had the habit of returning back to the university after the holidays a day before the class starts. It so happened that it was just after Hari Raya Haji and as usual, the hostel would be particularly quiet as most student are not back from their hometown yet.

It was 11pm when it happened. After studying, I left the book on the table, switched off the lights and left only the study lamp on. You see, I had the habit of leaving the book opened, untouched at the pages where I left off as it would be easier for me to pick up from there. As I was lying on my bed trying to fall asleep, I suddenly heard sounds of pages flipping. Quickly, I got up and looked towards my study table but there was nothing. Again, I tried to go to bed, and as I was falling asleep, I heard noises of someone scratching against the window mosquito net. Immediately, I opened the curtains to check if there was anyone out there. Not even a shadow could be seen.

For the third time I lay on my bed, again I heard 2 knocks on the door. However, I wasn’t sure if it was just my neighbour or my door and I decided to quickly ignore it because if it were my friend looking for me, I would hear persistent knocks. After some time, I started to drift off to sleep. As I was about to drift off to a deep sleep, I could suddenly feel heaviness. I tried to fight it off and as I opened my eyes, I could see a black figure sitting at the other end of my bed staring hard at me. After a while of struggling, I saw the black figure jumping to my roommate’s bed and as mysteriously as it appeared, it disappeared.

The next morning, my friend asked me why I did not answer the door. When I checked with her what time did she come to look for me, she told me it was about 11pm. I swore I could not hear her consistent knocks as she told me she knocked on the door for quite sometime but had no reply from me. 

From: Anonymus

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By: Jayshrisharrlini Krishnan
Life is so short that we need someone to share our thoughts and feelings. Definitely, a thought would arise in our mind asking whom we can trust so closely. Hence, the answer to this question might be who someone who is close to us. They might be our parents, brother, sister…..! Apparently, it hardly comes to anyone’s mind a “true friend”. We are no nearer to true friendship than if we choose them for a commercial reason. Besides who are we to be setting a price upon our friendship? It is enough for any man that he has the divine power of making friends, and he must leave it to that power of making friends.

Therefore, friendship is a form of interpersonal relationship generally considered to be closer than association, although there is a range of degrees of intimacy in both friendships and associations. Thus, friends are essential in our life just as food is essential for living. Moreover, it is essential to determine our friendship as we analyze the contents of the food before we eat. Friends and their friendship play a great role in everyone’s life. It is a gift that we offer because we must; to give it as the reward of virtue would be to set a price upon it, and those who do that have no friendship to give. We would meet a lot of people in our life, from those we choose friends and among those, we make our best friend.

Furthermore, having best friends and being good to them also plays an important role. To be a good friend, they have to qualify certain criteria’s. A good friend will always be there for them no matter they are happy or sad. There is a saying that a good friend stands by you lending his shoulder when you are crying. The amount of friends we have when we are happy doesn’t count but the one who stays when we are at the lowest matters the most. Thus, when a person is able to value his friendship and treasure every moment being together, they carry the title “My Best friend”.

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By: Geetha Baba (GB)

   We've all had them, those secret loves that for one reason or another we can't bring ourselves to tell anyone about, not even the person that we desire. Secret loves that live in our hopes, dreams and imaginations, but for some reason or another never manage to develop into anything more.He or she may be married, too old or too young, a coworker, or someone from the wrong side of the tracks. Whatever the reason for our unrequited loves, they happen, and then we find the courage within ourselves to move on with our lives. Relationships are not always simple to fall into, sometimes we really have to work at finding, and developing them.
   Love brings joy and bliss for all the time and keeps the life on a fast track. Like the mind-set, everyone has their own special way of love; few hide nothing and go on showing and telling one and all about their love. But certainly not those who are in a secret love and don’t wish others to even have an idea about their feelings and love life. Being in a secret love inspires and enriches the same way as the love with nothing hidden aspect. It’s all about having the essence of the relationship as taking out gains depends entirely on the individuals. Once you’re in a secret love, everything looks fine at the outset and gains are coming the way they have been envisioned. But certainly not in the longer runs where the need would force you to come out of shell and finish the secret love for an open contest. You may well have your own share of reasons to being in a secret love and might not be willing to let others know about the thoughts and plans you have about the love.At one end, the desire of not letting others known anything is getting fulfilled; the other needs a love can give are ignored for these petty issues. You won’t easily communicate the feelings and urges, thus putting yourself under immense stress and strong desire to pour the heart out for everything. Whatever may be the reason to be in such a situation, the solutions of a love can only be had through the needs fulfillment. After all, you’ve plunged and then staying yourself back from the dividends and gains that would easily have accrued.

     It’s good if the secret love stretches as long as you wish, but certainly it won’t have anything to gain in the longer run. Expecting nothing for future would be a move best suited option once such a relationship of secret love is maintained from your side. After all, you have been involved into a relationship even without ever sharing thoughts and feelings, and made things unfavorable to be based the future relationships on.

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An Overwhelming Experience with CA

    By: Vivegananthini Ganeson (VV)

     CA is an interesting person i met very recently. Later, this friendship converted into a complicated relationship which I would call it as a 'platonic' relationship (yet to be confirmed). I adore his style an personality. If someone whom showes concern and care to us, we would apreciate them to the fullest. CA is a person that i would place in that category. We did share some great moments together and with some other close friends.

    It was so cute of CA when CA locked the car keys into CA's car (maybe because CA fetch me to the apartment with CA's car). CA has lovely apartment which has a beautiful balcony view of the KL City. The view reflected a big swimming on on the bottom right and the twin toweres proudly standing high among other sky scratching buildings.

   Our visit to IOI Mall was an astonishing experience as we had a lovely meal together. We even had the same thought of choosing a particular to table to be seated. Being surrounded by many people in a busy 'Kenny Rodgers' restaurant we still had our own space to talk and laugh out loud with our jokes.  We went around looking for a band for our friendship and found a exclusive pair of ring that we both fell in love with. After  purchasing it with each of or names carved into it, we continued our journey to 'Red Box'.

Then the following day was even merrier as we took ourself to the icity world. Hving lots of fun, in addition to it a visit into the snow world was a heart probing experience. Unfortunately, among all the exciting experiences  the severance we had was touching and heart aching. In short, I'm glad and feel fortunated to have this relationship found.

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Here are the topics we need to upload weekly. Just for your reference girls. Good Luck !!!

  • Fashion – ( 3/6) 
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Jamaican Culture And Jamaican Traditions

Jamaican culture can be aptly described as the Jamaican human activity within different aspects of everyday life that relate to Jamaican traditions. Jamaican culture can be divided into several sectors or sects, usually called Jamaican aspects of culture.
OriginJamaican culture is defined as the origin of its entire population. The Jamaican culture is mixed as most of the society is ethnically diverse. There are several nations and peoples, the majority are African, then Indian and Chinese, then the minority being European. There is a North American contingent but they did not contribute to the origin and main stream Jamaican society.
Traditions: Jamaican traditions assist in defining the culture of the society. Jamaican traditions are ritualistic acts that are carried out over a specific period of time or at a specific event. This is very prevalent in Jamaican society and is fundamental in defining Jamaican culture. The most popular Jamaican traditions are for most national holidays, such as Christmas cake, Sorrel, pudding at Christmas time, Fried fish, lent at Easter time and other national holidays. Rituals such as the famed Nine Night after the death of a loved one are a popular Jamaican tradition that characterizes the Jamaican culture.
Cuisine: Jamaican cuisine and cooking is an important aspect of cultural embodiment. The foods and the recipes make a culture richer. The Jamaican culture has been enriched by superb Jamaican foods such as Jerk Chicken Recipes, Jerk Pork and the infamous Red Stripe Beer. It is foods such as these that help to define Jamaican culture.
Religion: Another key indicator and unifying aspect Jamaican culture. Jamaican has developed a unique type of religion. The primary type called Pocomania which was a blend between European Christianity and African religious practices, the secondary is Rastafarianism. This religion is practically by a small amount of people in the country, hence is not really a unifying aspect but gives Jamaican culture through religion its uniqueness and hence requires mention.
Music: Reggae and its derivatives such as dance hall, rock steady are key for the development of Jamaican culture. This music has its origins in Jamaica and cannot be claimed by any other nation. The captivating type of music has led to a growing following. The music has an upbeat aspect to it’s with constant rhythmic beats.
Art and Clothing: Jamaican Art and Clothing are both very important in defining Jamaican culture. Jamaican art has steeped in the depicting Jamaican everyday life. This has manifested it self in sculptures, paintings, collage and craft works. This is a direct shift from the more abstract type of European art and even the African more morbid types of art that focus a lot on history. Jamaican art culture at most does not focus on history. Jamaican clothing does reflect culture. Though Jamaican clothing and fashion is not as popular as European and African clothing it is defined by the use of primary colors and the popular use of cotton because of the tropical climate.
Folk Lure: This is yet to be aptly recognized as a part of culture. Folk lure can often be cited as a part of Jamaican tradition however folk lure is stories and ballads passed down through the generations. However this is not really the case but folk lure and happenings are carried through in dance and drama which fall under ‘other arts’ another corner stone of culture.
Other Arts – Jamaican dance, drama and speech in culture. Primarily Jamaican culture is depicted in dance by folk music, dancing kumina, the quadrille and other Jamaican dances which tell stories of the history of Jamaican sending the message to the young through dance. This technique has kept even to this day with dancehall reggae and the many dances and dancers such as Gerald ‘Bogle’ Levy a popular Jamaican dancer of the new era that passed in 2006. Jamaican speech is defined as patois. Though this is actually incorrect as patois is really broken English and French, Jamaica really speaks broken English. The distinct accent of a Jamaican almost embodies the Jamaican culture. There is another great aspect to the arts and culture as the speech or language carries in both, music and art. Jamaica culture is unique not just to the Caribbean, but to the world and the Jamaican Diaspora has carried the Jamaican culture worldwide. It is reported that there is at least one Jamaican living in every country in the world, a most admirable feat and a huge benefit for Jamaican traditions. 

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