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By: Geetha Baba (GB)

   We've all had them, those secret loves that for one reason or another we can't bring ourselves to tell anyone about, not even the person that we desire. Secret loves that live in our hopes, dreams and imaginations, but for some reason or another never manage to develop into anything more.He or she may be married, too old or too young, a coworker, or someone from the wrong side of the tracks. Whatever the reason for our unrequited loves, they happen, and then we find the courage within ourselves to move on with our lives. Relationships are not always simple to fall into, sometimes we really have to work at finding, and developing them.
   Love brings joy and bliss for all the time and keeps the life on a fast track. Like the mind-set, everyone has their own special way of love; few hide nothing and go on showing and telling one and all about their love. But certainly not those who are in a secret love and don’t wish others to even have an idea about their feelings and love life. Being in a secret love inspires and enriches the same way as the love with nothing hidden aspect. It’s all about having the essence of the relationship as taking out gains depends entirely on the individuals. Once you’re in a secret love, everything looks fine at the outset and gains are coming the way they have been envisioned. But certainly not in the longer runs where the need would force you to come out of shell and finish the secret love for an open contest. You may well have your own share of reasons to being in a secret love and might not be willing to let others know about the thoughts and plans you have about the love.At one end, the desire of not letting others known anything is getting fulfilled; the other needs a love can give are ignored for these petty issues. You won’t easily communicate the feelings and urges, thus putting yourself under immense stress and strong desire to pour the heart out for everything. Whatever may be the reason to be in such a situation, the solutions of a love can only be had through the needs fulfillment. After all, you’ve plunged and then staying yourself back from the dividends and gains that would easily have accrued.

     It’s good if the secret love stretches as long as you wish, but certainly it won’t have anything to gain in the longer run. Expecting nothing for future would be a move best suited option once such a relationship of secret love is maintained from your side. After all, you have been involved into a relationship even without ever sharing thoughts and feelings, and made things unfavorable to be based the future relationships on.

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