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My Little Sister

Here goes the story about my lovely little sister
This happen to me when i’m 14 years old………I have a little sister. It happen to her when she is only 7 years old……………….My sister likes to go over to her friend house to play. She would ride her bicycle to her friend house. Then one day, she came back late. My mother was so worried. My sister actually did not realise the time and when she looked at her watch and found out that it was 7 p.m., she quickly rode her bicycle. Instead of going the long way, she decided to take shortcut which is to ride on the cemetery.
When she reached home, my mum scolded her for coming home late. Then my sister just go to her room and locked herself in her room. It so weird of her to do that. When i walked past her room, i heard a chinese man voice. I told my mum about it. My mum enter her room. My sister just sat there like a statue. I was scared to see her like that.
Suddenly……..she talked in mandarin……i was shocked as our family is malay and how come she can talked in chinese……Not just that. Her soft voice turns to be a man voice. My mum told my father about it. My father called his friend(a bomoh) to help him. His friend come to our house.
After he had arrived, he went to my sister room and told us to get out of the room. So my mum closed the door behind us. We heard a man voice were screaming….then my father friend open the door and tell us that a chinese man spirit had entered my sister body and he would not leave the body. He also told us that my sister may die because my sister had not been eating. The spirit wants to starve her to death. My mum cried….She was so worried…The bomoh say that he could not do anything becoz the spirit are so strong……
The next morning, i found my sister dead on her bed….I was so sad that i cried…..My mum too cried. I could not believe it. The spirit is so cruel. She is just 7 years old little kid……..After my sister death, we moved house as we knew that the spirit is still in the house…Thats the end of my stories…………
Hope my sister soul rest in peace. - Farah

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