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Spirits At Funeral

This happened to my elder sister at my grandpa’s funeral few years back. My elder sister who is born with so called “ying yang” eyes but as time goes by it got working lesser and lesser. But she told my mum that. At my grandpa’s funeral she could see my grandpa’s spirit floating on top of my grandpa’s coffin. As my 2nd elder sis is afraid of such things, she never raised it up and only secretly told my mum. My mum after a few months told us.
The next story also happened to my elder sister. It happened like 10 years back. When i was still in primary sch, we were moving house to our current new house. As most people would when moving house, we were busy moving and packing stuff from our house. So the house is a lot emptier den usual. But we didn’t move into the house yet because of the “ji shi a.k.a auspicious timing”
She was packing half way and she noticed that there’s this dark shadow in the middle of the room. She went on to take a closer look and found that the dark shadow started to move fast in the room. She panicked, and finally the shadow stopped behind the door… i dunno y , but she went on to pull open the door. And just then she saw a face ZOOOOM out behind the door right at her face den n disappear.
After that, she told my mum who took her to “wen shen , ask god” what happened. But as usual they would say luck is low and stuff. She have a lot of experience but lets save some for next time. By- lisa

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